And So It Begins…Again

Apologies for the abrupt stop back in May.  Due to a series of conversations that seem a blur in retrospect, Nora and I have left the "farm" in northern NY and returned to Connecticut.  The decision was made in mid-June, my job back at the old firm secured by mid-July, and new house acquired and... Continue Reading →

Weekend update

While there are not many spectacular flower blossoms to photograph and share yet, much has been happening on the "Farm."  Fruit trees, lilacs, berry bushes, willows, and red maples are all beginning to bud. Of course the daffs and fritillaria are up as well. Birds are arriving from the south in droves and have settled... Continue Reading →

Flashes of color

That's all we have right now...little pockets of blossoms with sporadic bursts of color.  I still look out at skeletal branches in the wood line, but the grass is greening nicely with the warm temps and rain of this past week.  I even spotted some tiny, greening buds on the lilacs. The wildlife certainly know... Continue Reading →

Spring may have arrived…

At least I hope so.  The weather this weekend, although a chilly 30º F when I woke up this morning, is heading into the low to mid 50s with some sun!!  We haven't seen the sun in what feels like a lifetime. Temps for the next 10 days are looking good as well, remaining in... Continue Reading →

The Forecast Calls For…

Temps barely above freezing, snow, sleet, more snow, rain...  This past weekend's weather was even more abysmal. As a result, we've had some visitors leave the security of the woods in their search for food.  The little ones above got so close, they were practically on the back porch begging for hand-outs.    

“Guardians, not Gardeners”

I just finished watching a TED talk given by Mary Reynolds, a landscape designer from Ireland, called the "Garden Awakening."  It was filmed back in November 2016, shortly after her book, The Garden Awakening, was published. She has some strong words against industrial farming, our failed political leadership, and the destruction we have brought upon this... Continue Reading →

The New Pollinator Border

I'm taking an online gardening course from The English Gardening School, and as part of the course, I'm creating an expanded pollinator border in the front yard.  All of my mixed borders are actually pollinator-friendly, but this one is designed from the beginning with as many pollinator-attracting plants as I can squeeze in. Why the... Continue Reading →

Gardening Organically

It's tempting to reach for the chemical sprays or powders when your walk into your garden and find your favorite rose overrun with aphids or Japanese beetles, or find your cauliflower beset by cabbage worms.  After all, what harm can a localized spray possibly do? The answer is quite a lot.  The fact is 90%... Continue Reading →

April’s Around the Corner

  The tug-of-war between winter and spring still wages, and my money is on winter for at least the next 3 weeks or so.  But we've had a couple of days in the high 40s followed by some rain this afternoon through tomorrow, resulting in some much needed snow melt.  Of course we now have... Continue Reading →

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