Flashes of color


That’s all we have right now…little pockets of blossoms with sporadic bursts of color.  I still look out at skeletal branches in the wood line, but the grass is greening nicely with the warm temps and rain of this past week.  I even spotted some tiny, greening buds on the lilacs.


The wildlife certainly know spring is here.  We’ve had warring Bluebirds (two couples) and Tree Swallows fighting over the two nesting boxes.  IMG_0768.JPG

Our Phoebe has returned for a 2nd year and has once again taken up residence in the sheep barn, building her twig, fleece and mud nest on top of a light fixture where she will hatch one or two clutches of eggs.


The victorious couple, at least for now


The peepers’ chorus continues their melodious song with the deep, throaty croaking of the bull frogs now joining in once evening descends.

I can’t even begin to count the number squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits racing in their spring glee around the property.  Mr. Rat (our resident woodland rat) has even been spotted brazenly walking around the patio, and Mr. Big Chub, or possibly Mr. Little Chubs who has now grown into Mr. Big Chubs (one of our resident woodchucks), has also been spotted grazing in the backyard (thankfully not in my mixed borders this year…yet).

On the planting front: 24 bare root trees and shrubs have gone into the ground, including 7 roses from David Austin (2 – ‘Therese Bugnet’; 2- R. Gallica ‘Officinalis’; 2 – ‘Roseraie De L’Hay; and 1- ‘Crown Princess Margareta’).  Also sowed lettuces, kale, swiss chard, beets, carrots, snap peas and shallots in the potager.  Shelling peas and sweet peas will go in today (in the rain).   Also did some seed sowing in the Native American Plum guild, including chicory, yellow mustard, Echinops ritro. dill, and planted some horseradish in the plum guild, as well as in the apple and plum guild.

I have flats of onion and leek seedlings hardening off, but we’re dipping into the low to mid 30s overnight tonight and tomorrow, so may hold off putting those into the ground until Monday after work.


Yes, I do believe Spring may have arrived!

7 thoughts on “Flashes of color

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      1. I do not like getting cussed out by them when the acorns ripen. I do not know how many different specie there are here, but each group has its own technique for hassling those they dislike in their oak groves. The bluest of them seem to be the least aggressive, but they are also the least common. They look like those who live in town.
        While we were in Oklahoma, I saw a single cardinal! It was awesome. It looked artificial. It was just jumping around in the blackjack oaks like any other bird might. It seems like such a bright red bird would be targeted by predatory birds. They must be very hard to catch.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. We do have some amazing birds here! I love the Bluebirds, and we’re very happy that they’ve returned for the 2nd (or is it the 3rd? I’ve lost count) year. It’s a tad upsetting to see the fighting, but just need to remind myself that it’s nature.


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